Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Last "Boys Club"

I found Corielle's part of today's presentation extremely interesting.  Her research behind the idea that the comedy genre is incredibly dominated by the male gender opened my eyes to something I'd never really paid attention to before.  Perhaps it's because I'm not generally a comedy watcher, but I had never truly realized the predominance of men in the comedy sphere.

I found it truly intriguing (and pretty ludicrous) that suggestions have been made that women never learn to develop a sense of humor in the same way men do.  The belief is that women don't need humor as a tool in the same way as men; women don't need humor to attract men or function in social scenarios.  I don't necessarily think this is a fair point. I may not be very funny, but I don't believe it's a result of not needing humor to function in social scenarios.  I believe women don't develop as strong of a sense of humor as men because of traditional gender roles.  However, it does seem the emergence of women comedians is occurring at a faster pace with our generation.  I would argue we are a generation of social change.

An argument that has been made through time indicates women don't understand life is quite possibly a joke to begin with.  Even though it's a presumptuous argument, Corielle explained it is highly backed up.  Again, I don't believe this is a fair suggestion.

I can absolutely see how women are excluded from comedy because it is aggressive, and humor itself is an exertion of dominance.  Through time, women have struggled to attain a role of dominance in any facet of media.  The woman is time and again represented as the subordinate, sexual being.  There are very few women with power roles who aren't in a position where an emphasis is placed to "look good" and attract all the while.

I really enjoy when I'm presented with information that is new to me, and I think Corielle's research behind male dominance in the comedy sphere was really pretty fascinating.

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